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Writer's pictureVictoria Rose

Cancer Fighting Foods & Prevention

Updated: Feb 28, 2024


FORCLOSURE: Before you read this article a little FYI on the following medical terms and research. When writing, I usually use a lot of my own knowledge/opinion but when it comes to the medical field, I like to know exactly what I am talking about. I hope that my more methodical blogs provide some knowledge and suggestions all in one place (instead of weeding through the internet trying to find what's real and what's not… that’s where I come in, I do hours of lengthy research reading through at least 6-7 valid sources that are recognized by an accredited medical/health related institution, are in some type of reputable medical research journal or study, and/or specific op ed’s that Doctors and other medical professionals write, etc.)

In writing this article my goal is to help cancer patients, survivors, advocates, and anyone who has a loved one that had been affected in any way from cancer.

I personally know that it is not just the individual that goes through this disease but it’s their family and their good friends that go through it as well; so, this may be an article than can help you personally or it could just be a useful resource to send to your loved one.

As most of us know, what we put into our body significantly affects our health; but did you know that it can progress certain types of Cancer? When I was diagnosed with medulloblastoma brain cancer (a grade 4 brain tumor) in 2011 I sure had NO CLUE. But what I did know was that after my cancer treatments, I wanted to eat better to have a fuller, healthier life. To be honest I did not know much about any protentional cancer-causing or cancer-fighting foods. Whatever I put in my mouth pre-cancer I never thought twice about. Once I went through what I went through my entire perspective on food changed.

mixed fruit

Believe it or not many diseases are preventable. Certain foods can play a massive role in recovery and prevention of all types of diseases but for this blog's purpose, I will just be focusing on my opinion and recent research regarding this topic.

Generally, I try to stay away from highly processed foods, foods containing carcinogens (a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue), and GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms – even just saying that out loud sounds gross). These are all debatable topics due to limited findings in modern research so I go back to my theory of everything in moderation! - especially if we are still “not there yet” in research regarding foods that MAY cause cancer, it is still a good practice to know that there is a possibility and to try to scale back on certain types of foods.

Whether you follow a Vegan, Mediterranean, Paleo, or some other type of diet this will still be beneficial to read. I generally don’t define my eating to a type of diet; as I said in my last blog I just try to eat a balanced diet.


processed foods

The reason why I try to stay away from highly processed foods is because I have read that highly processed foods (which are any type of foods that have changed from their natural state) are linked to several health problems. These types of foods are typically prepacked and are usually high in sugar, salt, and fat. So, anything that’s been altered in so way during preparation - which can include food that was heated, pasteurized, canned, dried, washed, frozen, dehydrated, cut, cooked, or packaged. Foods can be considered processed by adding preservatives, sugars, and other flavorings to add a longer shelf life for these items– so that’s crazy if you think about it because that counts for A TON of different foods like frozen meals and canned vegetables.

Marion Nestle, the Paulette Goddard professor emerita of nutrition, food studies, and public health at New York University states that

“Literally hundreds of studies link ultra-processed foods to obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality.”

In the past, if I was in a hurry, like most of us can be, and wanted to make something quick for my Dad for dinner I would just run into the frozen section at the store and when I saw a brand name like “Healthy Life” or “Lean Cuisine,” I would think oh ok that’s probably the better choice than grabbing a pre-made pizza - but that’s not necessarily true.

Knowing what I know now I try to stray away from those frozen food isles. If you have the resources to buy natural instead of frozen; that’s always ideal - but I know that can be hard- not all of us have the luxury to buy these fresher items that are 5X more expensive. (My family and I grew up in the very middle class and to this day I am still at that same income level, so I try to watch how much I spend on certain foods which makes it difficult. It really gives low-income citizens a much harder time to enforce these healthy eating habits into their diets for a plethora of reasons; high pricing of these organic foods is most likely the number one reason.) TIP: Try looking for coupons in your store circular (my Mom used to always tell me that as a young girl and I would look at her like she had 2 heads …. maybe see if there's a store APP – that’s more '2023' haha) but it a very beneficial way to save on pricey natural items.

Processed food is any food that has been altered in some way during preparation.

According to the National Library of Medicine/National Center for Biotechnology Information, there are classifications and degrees of how processed the food is. Check out this chart they created:

Classification Systems/Degree of Processing Groups

1. Moderately processed foods

Modest processing and consumed with no further cooking such as dried fruits, raw vacuum-packed, or under controlled atmosphere foods. Processed at home and prepared/cooked from raw or moderately processed foods.

Examples: Packaged salad, frozen basic foods, extra virgin olive oil, fruits and vegetables canned in water/brine or in own juice, meat, and fish cooked from raw/fresh ingredients, or vacuum-packed, deep-frozen.

2. Highly processed foods

Foods that have been industrially prepared, including those from bakeries and catering outlets, and which require no or minimal domestic preparation apart from heating and cooking. They are also known as foods that have undergone secondary processing into readily edible form, are likely to contain high levels of added sugars, fats, or salt. Foods and mixes that are packaged containing high amounts of total and added sugars and low amounts of dietary fiber. Another quality of highly processed food are when they are prepared and/or packaged for ease of preparation such as frozen dinners, entrees, and deli foods. These items are meant to be convenient, hyper-palatable, and low-cost and are typically high in sugars, saturated fats, salt, refined grains, and preservatives.

Examples: Fat spreads, margarines, white breads, breakfast cereals, pastries, cookies, cheese, commercial sauces, canned foods including jams, commercial cakes, prepared meats, sausage, biscuits, pizza, soda, sauces, alcoholic beverages, ketchup, margarine, mayonnaise, jarred pasta sauce, sugar-sweetened beverages, salty snacks and candy

3. Processed culinary ingredients

Highly durable but usually not consumed by themselves.

Examples: Salt, sugar and syrups, honey, plant oils, animal fats, corn starch.

4. Processed food

Ready-to-consume, by themselves or in combinations.

Examples: Canned vegetables, cereals, nuts added with salt or sugar, salted meats, fish preserved in oil or water and salt, canned fruits, added sugars, cheeses, and breads.

5. Ultra-processed food

Formulations of industrial ingredients and substances derived from foods or else created in laboratories, and typically contain little or even no whole foods.

Examples: Soft drinks, ‘packet snacks’, ice cream, chocolates, candies, loaf bread, rolls, cookies, cakes, ‘breakfast cereals’ and ‘cereal bars’, ‘energy’ drinks, mayonnaise, frozen products ready for heating (pies, pasta dishes, and pre-prepared pizzas), breaded chicken or fish extracts like nuggets, sausage, hamburgers, ‘instant’ soups and noodles.

Some foods to try and stay away from which can be very highly processed are sugary beverages, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, colorants, and certain flavorings, highly flavored cereals, modified starches, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, packaged cookies and deserts, frozen meals, instant soups or really “Instant” anything like fast food), margarine, candy, hotdogs, and other meat.

That’s really a tough pill to swallow (along with all the other ones us cancer warriors actually have to take every day!) I hate that all those items are on the list especially certain meats. WHO has ‘classified processed meats including ham, bacon, salami, and frankfurts as a Group 1 carcinogen (which I will get into below) which means that there's strong evidence that processed meats cause cancer.’

I like a good cheeseburger or a nice piece of steak pretty much most of the time so it’s hard to know that a lot of meats are highly processed.

“Processed meat” means that the meat has been transformed through curing, salting, curing, fermentation, or other processes to either enhance flavor or improve preservation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “the most processed meats contain pork or beef, but processed meats may also contain other red meats like hot dogs (frankfurters), ham, sausages, corned beef, and biltong or beef jerky as well as canned meat and meat-based preparations and sauces.”

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, recommended red meat and processed meat as high priorities for evaluation. This recommendation was based on studies suggesting that SMALL INCREASES in the risk of several cancers may be associated with high consumption of red meat or processed meat. The IARC says there is evidence, although limited, linking eating red meat to colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. Besides red meat, food like bacon, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, prosciutto, beef jerky, and salami are packed with chemicals to preserve the meat. They are considered processed due to the salting, curing, and smoking techniques added to them.

Just recently this month a report came out from the British Medical Journal (The BMJ) regarding large-scale studies of people in the United States and Italy British that

“eating a lot of ultra-processed foods significantly increases men’s risk of colorectal cancer and can lead to heart disease and early death in both men and women.”


GMOs or Genetically Modified foods come from a genetically modified crop that has had its genes changed by scientists in a lab. Once in the lab, these genes are then changed to help the crop resist weeds, insects, and diseases which ultimately increases its nutrients and/or lengthens its shelf life.

As I did my research, surprisingly I found out, from multiple sources, that there just is not enough significant research to link it to cancer. According to “So far, no research shows that genetically modified foods affect cancer risk or cause long-term health problems.

If you do not want genetically modified foods in your diet, consider buying certified organic food.

The USDA standards for organic food do not allow any genetically modified seed or crops to be used in foods using the organic symbol.”

So, we can kind of rule GMO’s out knowing that there is no hard evidence linked to cancer…for now… but for me, it still doesn't sound too safe so I’m just considering these facts when I go to the store and buy certain food.



Um…. What is a carcinogen? To be honest, I heard of this term a few years after my cancer treatments, and I still didn’t know exactly what it was. A carcinogen is a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue. As I was doing my research, I was surprised to see that there are several different groups of carcinogens. Again, referencing The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) which is a part of the World Health Organization (WHO); “One of (their) major goals is to identify causes of cancer. The most widely used system for classifying carcinogens comes from the IARC. Over the past several decades, the IARC has evaluated the cancer-causing potential of more than 1,000 likely candidates, placing them into one of the following groups:

  • Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans

  • Group 2: Probably carcinogenic to humans

  • Group 3: Not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity in humans

Perhaps not surprisingly, based on how hard it can be to test possible carcinogens, most are listed as being of probable, possible, or unknown risk. Only a little over 100 are classified in Group 1, as “carcinogenic to humans.” (Learn more about the IARC’s findings and what they do at the link below)

Focusing on Group 1 Food Carcinogens, which are the most detrimental and I think are the most important to know about, I compiled a list of items to try and stay away from:

  1. Alcohol

  2. Some red meat/processed meats (which I talked about above)

  3. Burned or heavily barbecued foods

  4. Hot beverages above 65°C

  5. Polluted water

This first one is really hard for a lot of people and I’ll be the first to say that It was really hard for me years ago to cut this out…. our friend, our enemy, and everything in between- ALCOHOL.

Now I’ll be honest I drank a lot in high school and college, but I was never an avid drinker I never liked the feeling of feeling out of my body and not being able to control that- trust me I had my nights ..and my days hahaha come on we all have! - but after my Oncologist at the time (I was still doing treatments at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia [CHOP]- now I’m in a Survivorship program with a new Oncologist at the University of PENN Medicine) asked me if I was consuming alcohol - I was really taken back- like what does that have to do with you lady!? THAT’S MY BUSINESS haha no but really, I had no clue why but she then explained to me that it is linked to Cancer and the reason is that alcohol can damage the lining of the mouth and throat, causing cancer in these parts of the body as shown above.

After reading so many things over the years my advice for survivors or those that may be genetically prone to something like breast cancer is to limit your alcohol to drinking on special nights/events. According to,

“moderate to heavy alcohol consumption is associated with higher risks of certain head and neck cancers as well as colorectal cancer.

Alcohol consumption at any level is associated with an increased risk of a type of liver, breast, and esophageal cancer (also called esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.)”

The National Cancer Institute has been such a great resource for me over the years and I highly recommend you go and check out more factual evidence of cancer-related foods (link below)

#2 Processed meats (which I discussed previously)

#3 Burned or heavily barbecued foods. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), “charring meat, poultry and fish can lead to the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs), carcinogens that may cause cancer.” However, the AICR also cautions that diets high in red and processed meats increase the risk of colon cancer regardless of how you cook them, so I think of the ‘Baker’s common-sense approach’ which was said by the Palomar Health Registered Dietician and Nutritionist Janice Baker,

“The poison is in the dose. If you eat a hot dog at a baseball game, no big deal, But if you eat a hot dog every day, that’s another thing. That’s a pattern.”

#4 Hot beverages above 65°C. Hey, I love my Chai tea or my hot coffee like the next person but be careful regarding how hot the water is! The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (with 23 scientists that produced this published study and findings in the Lancet Oncology Report.) conducted studies of coffee, maté (a caffeine-rich tea drink made from steeping yerba mate [Ilex paraguariensis] ground-up leaves in hot water), and other hot beverages and their relationship to esophageal cancer. The working group found no conclusive evidence that drinking coffee or maté causes cancer. However, the scientists did conclude from their studies that drinking very hot beverages of almost any type probably causes cancer of the esophagus in humans. As I was reading on, I found out that there was another meta-analysis study showing that people who drank hot tea had a significantly increased risk of Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC).

filtered water

#5 Polluted Water. Clean water is so important for us to just live but I think a lot of you may know this already but for those who don’t, most of our water is highly contaminated with pollution and other harsh chemicals like arsenic.

“Water contaminated with high levels of arsenic is a cause of bladder cancer, and it's also been associated with skin and lung cancers. Drinking water from private wells was found to be a source of arsenic,”

according to a study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. If you don’t have a filter system in your home or built into your fridge another option is to buy a pitcher that filters the water (be careful what brand you buy- I use ‘PUR’ it seems to work much better than the ‘Brita’ water filter brand. These filters are really important because if you really knew what was in our drinking water you most likely would vomit.

Another option is to purchase a water service that includes monthly water jugs; I know that a friend of mine uses ‘Deer Park 100% Natural Spring Water’ service and he bought the service as a package- it comes with the standing dispenser to rent (buying the dispenser is much more expensive) and only costs him about $5 a month + the 5-gallon jug which can range from $8-10 (you can decide to receive weekly, monthly, etc.) – it’s a pretty good deal- very cost-effective to get fresh water in your diet. (Link for this product is at the bottom of this article). Water filters clean out bacteria and other chemical residues giving your water a better quality. If you can’t afford any of those options, grab a case of spring water at your local grocery store. When stored and sourced safely spring water would be your best choice because it is usually minimally processed.


This section on prevention gets me really excited because I absolutely love the idea of preventing disease while enjoying food. It always makes you feel good knowing you're putting something good in your body that may help fight disease.

Food is a powerful, yet largely untapped resource for disease prevention. You can’t say foods can eliminate or protect you completely from cancer, but they can lower your risk of developing a previous or new cancer.


Cancer patients, those in remission, and survivors PLEASE listen to this it’s so important…. BERRIES, BERRIES, and MORE BERRIES!!!!!! My Mom has been a nurse since 1985 and when I was sick, she would always tell me to eat BERRIES and DARK FRUITS and that they have a ton of anti-inflammatory nutrients and antioxidants. Mary Ann Lila, the Director of The Plants for Human Health Institute at North Carolina State University says

“Berries have so many therapeutic properties. When you ingest a berry, the compounds will circulate in your blood to combat diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive dysfunction or cancer.”

Even if you don’t particularly like fruit there are other ways to get these crucial nutrients in your body like putting them in a shake, adding freeze-dried berry powder to your water, or buying potent Cranberry gummies!

According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, in a lab study of human cells, extracts from strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, red raspberries, pomegranates, and black raspberries all showed the ability to slow the development of cancer, kill off cancer cells or shrink tumors. Strawberries and black raspberries were the most effective.

Broccoli, Kale, and Cauliflower are considered cruciferous vegetables. Never heard of the term until now but cruciferous vegetables are usually high in vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. According to Medical News Today, “Cruciferous vegetables also contain sulforaphane, a plant compound with anticancer properties. One study shows that sulforaphane significantly inhibits cancer cell growth and stimulates cell death in colon cancer cells. Another study shows that sulforaphane in combination with genistein, a compound in soybeans, can significantly reduce breast cancer tumor development and size.

fruits and vegetables

"Sulforaphane also inhibits histone deacetylase, an enzyme with links to cancer development.”

That was so amazing to hear that a certain enzyme in food is linked to altering cancer progression. EAT YOUR VEGGIES people!

Speaking of vegetables, after much research I kept reading about beta carotene. I wasn’t sure what it was – I feel like a lot of times we have to be our own advocates in this very unknown and ever-changing “cancer world.” They won’t do it for you! It can be scary so hopefully, this secondary research can help someone out there reading this. A beta carotene is a natural pigment produced by plants.

Ok I know a lot of people are ranting and raving over plant-based stuff but I am sorry I will not have a plant-based burger- if you're gonna eat a burger and fries every now and then just do it haha but seriously there are a lot of delicious foods that are packed with their antioxidants that act as an immunostimulant can help treat or prevent cancer.

This leads me into foods that have the highest levels of this beta carotene which can help with cancer prevention:

  • Carrots

  • Beets

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Whole Grains

  • Cantaloupe

  • Spinach & Lettice

  • Tomatoes

Other cancer-reduction foods

  • Nuts and Seeds * REALLY IMPORTANT *

  • Flax seeds, Chai seeds, Walnuts, Brazil nuts

More specifically Chai seeds can provide alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (just another term I had no idea about!) which is high in omega-3 fatty acid that can potentially fight several cancers. A recent study in the Journal of Molecular Biochemistry found that “ALA helped limit the growth of both breast and cervical cancer cells and they also found that it caused cell death of the cancer cells without harming the normal healthy cells in the body.”

Regarding flax seeds (which I throw into my banana shakes every other day) a study from the Journal of Clinical Research discovered that “consuming flaxseeds may defend against breast cancer by decreasing tumor growth.”

acai bowl

Seeds are so good for you and many professionals have found a link between eating nuts and breast, prostate, and colon cancer reduction. Don’t particularly like seeds? TIP: Try throwing some chopped walnuts in your yogurt, cereal, shakes or oatmeal to consume these little nutty cancer fighters!

  • Fatty Fish - again with the Omega 3 nutrients studies have shown that fish like the following can help fight carcinogens.

  • Salmon, tuna and halibet

  • Mushrooms - Mushrooms were never my thing especially had kids me and my brother weren’t particularly fond of these when we saw them at the dinner table. I would sometimes spit them out discretely in a napkin haha c’mon you did it too!!! I know try to season them with fresh garlic and pepper and I am able to have these as a side. They are so very beneficial in protecting the cells that cause cancer. According to a Medical Study from The Department of Public Health Sciences, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA “Antioxidants protect cells from damage that can cause cancer. The body makes some of the antioxidants that it uses, but it relies on foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains to obtain the rest of the antioxidants it needs. Per the research, higher mushroom consumption was associated with a lower risk of total cancer, especially breast cancer.”

Beta-glucans, a soluble fiber found in mushrooms, can boost the immune system and may help the body fight cancer, infection, or other diseases.

  • Turmeric, Oregano, Garlic – Ok so I kind of go nuts for garlic. I cook with it all the time and love the smell of garlic, oil, and my late Father's famous Italian gravy!! I think garlic is why those Italians live so long haha no, but garlic is another great cancer-fighting ingredient. The American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) found that eating garlic frequently lowers the risk of colorectal cancers. Also, it’s been shown to inhibit the production of cancer-causing properties and repair certain parts of the attacked site.

coffee cup with a flower
  • Green Tea & Coffee

    • Green Tea: another beneficial substance to start drinking post-cancer. According to “the predominant polyphenols in green tea―EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC―and the theaflavins and thearubigins in black teas have antioxidant activity. These chemicals, especially EGCG and ECG, have substantial free radical scavenging activity and may protect cells from DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species. Tea polyphenols have also been shown to inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in a laboratory.”

    • Coffee: Ok next to berries and garlic (I know sounds weird) that’s my other favorite cancer fighter to consume! There have been so many mixed studies/results regarding this topic so tread lightly with my findings. The antioxidants found in coffee beans are THOUGHT to have a protective effect against cancer. states, “Researchers have conducted more than 1,000 studies looking at this question, with mixed results. Some early studies seemed to show that coffee might increase the risk of some cancer types. Since then, however, larger, and better-designed studies have weakened those conclusions. And many of the

newer studies link coffee drinking to a lowered risk of some types of cancer, including prostate cancer, liver cancer, endometrial cancer, and some cancers of the mouth and throat.”

Again, there are thousands of research studies that show some significant help for prevention to some cancers but on the flip side there are a lot of those who go against that theory. In the same breath, another source says that “Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop basal cell skin cancers and malignant melanoma, and their risk decreases with every cup they drink. Coffee has long been associated with a reduction in the risk of various cancers however the current study is the first to show a reduction in the risk of melanoma. Also, coffee consumption may lower risks for uterine, colon, and prostate cancer. So again, tread lightly with these specific findings just watch out for overdoing it- too much of anything may not be good for you.

Overall, just know that the types of foods I just discussed MAY be linked to some types of cancers - so as my theory goes try to cut back on these in strides each day. Try to stick with this rule for weekly dinners that someone I met during Radiation told me in the past…

“make sure your plate has colors!”

Which I really didn’t care for it at the time but I do try to look out for that during the week). After all the research I’ve provided you it comes down to the fact that professionals are just not positive on what food actually causes cancer or can add to reoccurrence, but we do know that SOME foods have been linked to certain cancers and are considered to be “unhealthy”

fruits and veggies

So my everyday advice to my fellow cancer warriors out there is to try to follow a balanced diet with some cancer-fighting foods that I listed above and EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!

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